Arch Package Transaction Log Fun
25 Feb 2018
Those of you following me on twitter
have probably seen me kibitzing about my development environment
having been utterly destroyed by an Arch Linux package upgrade in the
last ~24h.
It’s been really fun.
Arch Linux unfortunately doesn’t provide a tool for resetting your
computer’s package state to whatever it was previously following a bad
update. However, the Arch package manager pacman
does helpfully
write a log file which records everything that it’s done as a good old
fashioned append only commit log.
This means that getting my computer back to a sane state was
obnoxious, but a pretty trivial hack. Write a program that takes a
date stamp, scan the transaction log for everything that happened at
and after that date stamp and roll it back.
While my well polished emacs install was unusable, due to the
aforementioned awesomeness, I still remember enough vim to be
And so, the hack:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import sys
def main ( opts , args ):
""" Usage: python date
Parse /var/log/pacman.log, enumerating package transactions since the
specified date and building a plan for restoring the state of your system to
what it was at the specified date.
- /var/log/pacman.log has not been truncated
- /var/cache/pacman/pkg has not been flushed and still contains all required
- The above paths are Arch default and have not been customized
- That it is not necessary to remove any " installed " packages
Note: no attempt is made to inspect the dependency graph of packages to be
downgraded to detect when a package is already transitively listed for
downgrading. This can create some annoying errors where eg. systemd will be
downgraded, meaning libsystemd will also be downgraded, but pacman considers
explicitly listing the downgrade of libsystemd when it will already be
transitively downgraded an error.
date , = args
print ( " Attempting to roll back package state to that of {0}... \n "
. format ( date ))
# These patterns can't be collapsed because we want to select different
# version identifying strings depending on which case we're in. Not ideal,
# but it works.
# Ex. [2017-04-01 09:51] [ALPM] upgraded filesystem (2016.12-2 -> 2017.03-2)
upgraded_pattern = re . compile (
" .*? upgraded (?P<name>\w+) \((?P<from>[^ ]+) -> (?P<to>[^\)]+)\) " )
# Ex: [2018-02-23 21:18] [ALPM] downgraded emacs (25.3-3 -> 25.3-2)
downgraded_pattern = re . compile (
" .*? downgraded (?P<name>\w+) \((?P<to>[^ ]+) -> (?P<from>[^\)]+)\) " )
# Ex: [2017-03-31 07:05] [ALPM] removed gdm (3.22.3-1)
removed_pattern = re . compile (
" .*? removed (?P<name>\w+) \((?P<from>[^ ]+)\) " )
checkpoint = {}
flag = False
with open ( " /var/log/pacman.log " ) as logfile :
for line in logfile :
if date in line :
flag = True
elif not flag :
match = re . match ( upgraded_pattern , line ) \
or re . match ( downgraded_pattern , line ) \
or re . match ( removed_pattern , line )
if match :
package = match . group ( " name " )
from_rev = match . group ( " from " )
if package not in checkpoint :
checkpoint [ package ] = from_rev
print ( " Checkpoint state: " )
for k in checkpoint . keys ():
print ( " {0} -> {1} " . format ( k , checkpoint [ k ]))
pkgcache = " /var/cache/pacman/pkg "
pkgs = os . listdir ( pkgcache )
pkgnames = [ " {0}-{1} " . format ( k , v ) for k , v in checkpoint . items ()]
selected_pkgs = [ os . path . join ( pkgcache , p )
for n in pkgnames
for p in pkgs
if n in p ]
print ( " \n\n Suggested incantation: \n sudo pacman -U {} "
. format ( " \\\n " . join ( selected_pkgs )))
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( None , sys . argv [ 1 :])
Over and out from my recovered emacs setup 😊